Monday 2 April 2018

Idioms and Phrases part - 2

                                             IDIOMS AND PHRASES PART -2
36. By leaps and bounds--------------- at a rapid pace
37.  Carry the coal to new castle--------Spending time and energy in doing something that is useless and wastage of                                                                               energy.
38. Cat and dog life----------------------troublesome life.
39. Catch a tartar-------------------------to grapple with a unexpectedly formidable opponent.
40.Cat's Paw------------------------------ A person used by another as a dupe or tool.
41. Chew the cud------------------------ Meditate
42. Cross swords------------------------ to quarrel or fight
43. Cry over spilled milk--------------- Regret in vain for what cannot be undone.
44.cut no ice------------------------------  To fail to make an impression
45.Dance to one's tune------------------ Obeying one's order
46.Dead letter---------------------------- A law or ordinance that is no longer enforced.
47. Democle's sword--------------------- Constant threat.
48. die in harness------------------------- die while in service.
49.Dog in the manger-------------------- A person who prevents others from enjoying what he cannot.
50. donkey's years------------------------ A long time
51. Duck in a thunder storm------------ In a painful condition.
52. Eagle eyed---------------------------- with a keen eye sight.
53. Eat one's pie-------------------------- To apologize.
54. Eat one's words---------------------- Take a statement back.
55. Elbow room-------------------------- Sufficient scope to move or function.



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